
 Yeshivat Shuvu is Closed for Pesach! We will re-open after the high days! We wish you Shana Tova and Hatimah Tova!

01-Year Alef - Returning to the Apostolic Faith

Biblical Hebrew & Jewish Thought (108)

Biblical Hebrew & Jewish Thought Level I
Rabbi Tzahi Shapira, Instructor
Course Code: Heb-101

A. Course Description
This Biblical Hebrew & Jewish Thought Level I course deals with the foundation of the Hebrew language and various biblical texts. In this course, the students will be exposed to basic Hebrew grammar, vocabulary, and various Hebraic terms as related to the Hebrew bible. Join Rabbi Shapira to learn how to read, study, and learn the Bible while learning the Hebrew Holy Tongue!

B. Course Objectives
Upon satisfactory completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand the history behind the Hebrew language
2. Recognize the Hebrew letters and their sounds
3. Understand basic grammar rules and identify patterns in the Hebrew bible
4. Recite and understand some of the prayers that Yeshua (Jesus) prayed in the Hebrew language

C. Requirements for Credit
Passing grade of 75% or more on Final Test

D. Grading Scale:
There will be lesson quizzes that are part of your grade. In addition, students will be required to write a final paper that will be graded by Rabbi Itzhak Shapira.
Grading will be on the letter scale A-B-C-D-F.

E. About the Instructor:
Tzahi (Itzhak) Shapira was born and raised in an observant Jewish home in Israel in a Sephardic upbringing. After years of formal Jewish education he found the Jewish Messiah within the Hebrew writings. Tzahi Shapira holds a full Rabbinic S’micha from the IAMCS. Currently, Rabbi Shapira serves as the founding senior Rabbi of Ahavat Ammi Ministries www.ahavatammi.org.
  • Welcome Message from Rabbi Shapira
  • Greeting to Yeshivat Shuvu from Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
  • Background and Introduction to Hebrew
  • The Past The Present and the Future
  • Quiz #1: The Past Present and Future
  • The Four Types of Hebrew
  • Quiz #2:The Four Types of Hebrew
  • The Top Ten Rules of Hebrew
  • Quiz #3: The Top Ten Rules of Hebrew
  • Your First Pair of "Jewish-Glasses"
  • Quiz #4: Your First Pair of "Jewish-Glasses"
  • Learning the Letters
  • Your First Hebrew Letter
  • Quiz #5: Your first Hebrew Letter
  • Your First Hebrew Word
  • Quiz #6:Your first Hebrew Word
  • Who Is First Anyways??
  • Quiz #7: Who is First Anyways?
  • Introduction to Nikkud
  • Quiz #8: Introduction to Nikkud
  • Mashiach Mashiach Mashiach!
  • Quiz #9:Mashiach Mashiach Mashiach!
  • Using your Hebrew Dictionary for the First Time
  • Special Quiz: Using your Hebrew Dictionary for the First Time
  • The Four Names of Mashiach in the “Nun”
  • Quiz #10: The Four Names of Mashiach in the "Nun"
  • Beged Kefet and H'evy
  • Beged Kefet and the Mystery of the Gimel
  • Quiz #11: Beged Kefet and the Mystery of the Gimel
  • Key Messianic Concept: G'milut Chasadim Assignment
  • Beged Kefet and the Doors of Heaven
  • Quiz #12: Beged Kefet and the Doors of Heaven
  • The Letters of Geulah
  • Quiz #13: The Letters of Geulah
  • The Secret of Geulah
  • Quiz #14: The Secret of Geulah
  • H’evy Letters and the letter Yod
  • Quiz #15: H'evy Letters and the letter Yod
  • The Mystery of the Vav
  • Quiz #16: The Mystery of the Vav
  • The MaShgiach is in the house
  • Quiz #17: The MaShgiach is in the house
  • Wrapping up the Nikkud
  • Quiz #18: Wrapping up the Nikkud
  • Heads Up!
  • Quiz #19: Heads Up!
  • The Blessing and the Curse
  • Quiz #20: The Blessing and the Curse
  • Midterm
  • Midterm Exam
  • The Ethics of the Letters
  • The Heart of the Talmid
  • Quiz #21: The Heart of the Talmid
  • Count on Me
  • Quiz #22: Count on Me
  • The Pair of Eyes
  • Quiz #23: The Pair of Eyes
  • The Beauty and the Beast!
  • Quiz #24: The Beauty and the Beast!
  • The Sword of HaShem
  • Quiz #25: The Sword of HaShem
  • Root Canal Anyone?
  • Quiz #26: Root Canal Anyone?
  • The Beginning
  • Course Conclusion
  • Final Exam
  • Course Evaluation
  • Final Summary & Grade
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever